NRA: Great UN Debate

Posted below are videos (in 4 parts) of the NRA UN Gun Debate which took place last October 12, 2004   in England between Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice-President of the National Rifle Association (NRA), and Rebecca Peters, head of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA).

It is very clear from the debate that IANSA is after the imposition of a total worldwide gun ban; they (IANSA) are against civilian ownership of guns and they wish to see all of us disarmed. This left leaning organization is clealry a threat to our freedom and democratic way of life. Conspiring with the United Nations, supported by powerful governments, organizations and individuals, they wish to establish a new world order and impose their socialistic idelogies on all of us.











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One response to “NRA: Great UN Debate

  1. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is the only thing right now standing in the way of the gun grabbers at the United Nations (UN). Wayne LaPierre is an excellent spokesman for the pro-gun stand. However, i’m afraid that since he’s been at this for the last 20 years, he may be getting old and approaching the retirement age.

    What’s insidious about IANSA and Rebecca Peters is that they will NEVER admit publicly that they are in favor of gun confiscation or against civilian gun ownership. They will always says that they are for “reasonable restrictions” on the ownership of guns. But that is the Lie. If you read the IANSA web site, you will see a lengthy program of action which included among others the “restriction of civilian gun ownership”. We have seen this type of agenda in the Sarah Brady and handgun Control, Inc. wherein once they got the 15 day waiting period, they did not stop there. Instead they went further and pushed for the assault weapons ban and the Clinton Crime Bill banning hi-cap mags and certain types of rifles.


    Rebecca Peters was directly and personally responsible for the gun bans in UK and Australia, and she proudly proclaims it as so. A very dangerous and well-funded anti-gun organization, they are now the greatest worldwide threat to gun ownership. And their strategy is clear: they intend to use the UN to push for their anti-gun agenda and force member countries to submit. God help us all.


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