Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime

From ABC 20/20 Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity with John Stossel. Thanks to jebuot for posting this via his comment.

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3 responses to “Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime

  1. I would advocate for a gunless society in a world where God reigns supreme and He outrightly dispenses justice not some inutile band of masquerading judges and law enforcers who are lawbreakers themselves.  A society that  is not roamed by armed individuals who consider that being armed means right and will do whatever their hearts desire to inflict death or injury to those who oppose them.


    Until then and  I repeat, until that time comes, every individual has a right to defend himself and those whom he holds dear at all costs and with whatever means he can muster-be that legal or not.  I’d rather act now and let the pieces fall where they may before I start regretting for the rest of my life.  Let me quote a very meaningful passage flashed at the start of the movie “Tears of the Sun” (if I’m not mistaken) – “The only thing for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”.


     I agree that gun-ownership is not immoral.  What a persons intends to do with it  and does with it determines it’s morality or otherwise.


    The current gun ban did very little if anything at all to curb crimes involving guns. Look at all the political and business-related assassinations happening left and right.  Criminals don’t obey the law. That’s why they’re criminals. And when they strike, just like in the movies-the cops arrive too late and the bad guys are gone.  Deterrence is the key word, folks-not the obvious signs of defenselessness.


    One thing is for sure, the police can’t assure every single citizen’s safety from the bad elements of society. And CHR and other cause-oriented groups are very late condemning criminals but very quick to chastise law enforcers for being too efficient with fighting criminals in the only language they understand-violence.


    I must acknowledge, I am not a real-steel gun owner. Just an airsoft hobbiest.  But if the situation becomes too untenable for cops to ensure my own and my family’s very survival, I would like to keep my options open with regards to how I will intend to do just that.


    Support “PROGUN”!

  2.  In Switzerland every male above the age of 18 is REQUIRED to keep a military assault rifle at home. Their crime rate is almost ZERO. Similarly, in Israel, every person above 18 is likewise REQUIRED to possess and keep an assault rifle or submachinegun at home. Again, their crime rate is almost ZERO.

    In contrast, in places where crime rates are at the highest, have total gun bans. Washington D.C. which has a total gun ban, is the murder capital of the United States. Other cities where the crime rate has skyrocketed, and which have total gun bans, are New York City, Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles. In Northern Ireland there is a total gun ban, and their terrorism rate is uncontrollable.

    In the Philippines, “the most dangerous country in the world for journalists”, we are now in the midst of a total gun ban since January 10, 2010. Since then, 100 people have been killed in election related violence and crimes.

    Is there a correlation between gun bans and crime rate?

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