Anti-concealed carry ‘experiment’

This video is another example of propaganda masked as unbiased reporting. In fact, it only reinforces what firearms experts have been saying for decades: if you’re going to carry, make sure you train.

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2 responses to “Anti-concealed carry ‘experiment’

  1. this is why i also carry knives as well as a handgun, the knives are just in case the bad guys can grab me before i can draw my gun, knives are great for close range self defense.

  2. There was some discussion on the PROGUN Facebook page as to whether or not this was an anti-gun report. Some felt that the video was simply advocating firearms training for all concealed carry license holders. I don’t think this is the case. As one commenter pointed out, ABC news and mainstream media in general has a reputation the American firearms community as having a clear anti-gun bias. The clip itself was part of a 20/20 report that aired in April 2009 titled ‘If I Only Had a Gun’. A look at the report’s page on the ABC news site shows that it is a completely one-sided view. Furthermore, a quick web search reveals that many pro-firearms advocates in the US felt the same way.

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