An open letter to President NoyNoy Aquino

Dear President Aquino,

You stated in your innauguration speech that your government shall not be deaf to the complaints and sufferings of your people. Hence we, your ardent and loyal supporters in the gun community, wish to bring your attention our grievances and concerns.

Our opposition to the draconian anti-gun policies of Gen. Jesus Verzosa of the PNP have been well publicized over the past year. From the infamous HB No. 6776 Re: increasing the penalties for firearms offenses and the flawed “total gun ban” during the last elections, we have consistenly sided against such policies which we felt were anti-gun and anti-people.

Now, there is more. Much more stringent policies such as “one long one short” gun ownership rule (which you yourself should not support since you have 19 licensed guns), more stringent requirements for the issuance of PTCFORs, and additional requirements for gun licenses and PTCs in addition to the already lenghty list are being implemented. We feel that more stringent requirements SIMPLY MEANS MORE RED TAPE AND MORE CORRUPTION. Moreover, overly stringent gun regulations which would make it so difficult for gun owners to possibly comply, would render gun licensing meaningless and is equivalent to a gun ban. There are already more than enough gun rules and regulations in force. Enough is enough.

If we allow the same old authoritarian and restrictive policies from the past administration to govern, then our support for you and our votes for your Presidency would be rendered meaningless. We voted for CHANGE. Hence, for the Aquino administration to have relevance and meaning to the shooting community, there must be change.

We are willing to hold dialogues regarding this matter with you and/or your representatives to air our side.



“I am only one, but I am one. I can’t do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will.”


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6 responses to “An open letter to President NoyNoy Aquino

  1. let’s not forget the ridiculous anti-owb/iwb policy of verzosa, Pres. Noynoy should know well how much faster shooting from a holster is compared to shooting from a bag, since he has participated in shooting competitions where he wore an owb holster.


    Verzosa should be fired and publicly rebuked for imposing that stupid and immoral anti-OWB/IWB policy as well as all  his other immoral anti-gun owner policies.

  2. The current rules implemented by the PNP leadership are indeed tyrannical. The hipocrites of the highest degree are those lobbying for these senseless, baseless, and irrational “Stricter Gun Control” policies.

    When their (PNP) Generals retire, do they keep just one short and one long firearm?

    Liars are they who would say yes.

    Maybe they wouldn’t even give back their service firearms, as they are part of the pabaon that they receive from the government.

    On the other side, they may really say yes that they only have a short and a long FA

    but that’s because WHAT THEY HAVE ARE LOOSE FIREARMS!!!




  3. On his closing remarks during the 2010 Gun Summit the Chief of the PNP said that he did not believe in guns because guns are made to kill.  Yes, but these guns are also in the hands of those with criminal intent. Guns are weapons and weapons do not kill. People kill. If we took all the guns away will there be no more killings? Certainly there will be no more killing with guns. Simple.

    Weapons are here. Weapons have been here since day 1. And weapons will be here until man is around. The very first man, when he had the chance, used whatever he had at his disposal to use as a weapon. Be it a stick, a rock or whatever he could get his hands on to survive. He made tools and weapons from stones and used such for hunting food and for preventing from being hunted for food by a saber-tooth tiger.  Even the Bible is testament to David having had to use a weapon to slay the mighty Goliath.

    So why is there a big hatred toward guns? Is it because the task of managing the peace and order of the country is so daunting that simplistic unreasonable remedies do not work and more simplistic unreasonable remedies are necessary? Is it because of worry that a future political career is in jeopardy unless action is taken regardless its being effective or not?  Or is it just too big a pain in the behind that, like a painful boil, one just wants to get rid of it any way he can? “Pogi” points because anti-gun sentiments are more popular?

    Perhaps as implementers of the law, the burden of making the law should not be on the shoulders of the police. For one, this goes against the grain of a democratic state in which checks and balances should prevail. Although “recommendatory” in nature, the fact is, power is given to the Chief of the PNP to make laws pertaining guns, on top of the obligation to implementing them.

    I am not a constitutionalist, nor am I a lawyer. I do not pretend to even  be knowledgeable at law. What I am is a citizen of this “democracy”, feeling being deprived of my basic rights. The right to choose to live how I prefer to live in our society, free from fear and injustice.  The freedom to choose how to protect my family from the real evils that surround us. Are these concerns not guaranteed in our constitution? If not, then what kind of a state are we living in? Is there anyone out there who can say that I am wrong for having these feelings?..  Mr. President?..


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