One Million Two Hundred Thousand Licensed Gun Owners in the Philippines

As of today, there are currently ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND LICENSED GUN OWNERS in the Philippines. Next to the United States, on a per capita basis, we are the second largest civilian LEGITIMATE gun owning population in the world. That is not to count the additional estimated 1,500,000.00 firearms which have yet to be registered.


Is there a need for such firepower in the hands of civilians?


Understand this: If the Philippines were an ideal country like Sweden, Norway, Japan, or Germany, wherein the law enforcement is very efficient and crime rates are practically zero, then perhaps an argument could be made that civlians do not need to possess such number of small arms. However, let’s face the facts: all these other developed countries do not have the endemic insurgency problems, terrorism, crime, corruption, and kidnapping and robberies that the Philippines and other developing third world countries have. Assuming that there are such terrorist and crime problems in the country, is the government capable, efficient, and willing to protect ALL of its citizens from such brazen acts of criminality? Does the justice system guarantee that victims of crime obatin justice? Are criminals effectively prosecuted? Sadly and disappointingly, no.


These issues raise serious questions. They are also the main reason why Filipinos choose to arm themsleves. Again, next to the U.S., the Philippines has among the largest civilian concealed carry permit holders in the planet. Why? Again, if only government could guarantee safety of ALL its citizens, then there would perhaps be no need. But if we live in a society wherein criminals and terrorists roam around, freely commit crimes, and go scott free, then why would the civilians not arm themselves for self-protection. Better be judged by six than be carried by six.


Do citizens have a right to take the law into their own hands?


Frankly, no. But when the government abdicates its entrusted role of protecting its citizens and when oftentimes the police themselves are the criminals, then the citizens do have a right to take steps to exercise SELF-PRESERVATION. The right of self-defense, i.e., preservation of one’s life and family, is the most basic of all human rights. It is also a divine right. No person, government, or institution, has the right to rob us of this right to life.

One response to “One Million Two Hundred Thousand Licensed Gun Owners in the Philippines

  1. You raise some good points, fallujah. Crime is an important factor for gun ownership.

    Underpinning this all, however, is the idea of personal responsibility. Who is responsible for our welfare and safety? Is it the police and ultimately government? No. The police are not legally bound to protect each citizen from harm. Even from a moral standpoint, why should one abdicate his or her obligation of self-protection to a stranger?

    In the end, the answer is the same, regardless of whether one lives under the most efficient government or in a corrupt and chaotic failed state: the job of protecting yourself and your family belongs to you and no-one else.

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