COMELEC GUN BAN statistics project 2013: Volunteers needed!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! for PROGUN Comelec 2013 gun ban crime statistics project. Please contribute shooting data from your region during the Comelec gun and and enter here in our database: (click on REPORT INCIDENT on upper left hand corner  Anyone can contribute to the incident reports. So if you know of any shooting incidents during this Comelec Gun ban period from 13 january till June 5, 2013, kindly copy paste the incident resport from online news sources or narrate yourself any and all shooting incident if the incident is unreported in the news. Thank you.

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6 responses to “COMELEC GUN BAN statistics project 2013: Volunteers needed!

  1. I would just like to add that the crime does not have to be gun related.

    I would just like to add that a gun does not have to be used in the crime.

    We are trying to build a database of violent crime regardless of the method used to perpetrated it. So for example the following may be added:

    • the use of any blunt instrument
    • stabbings and use of bladed instruments
    • attacks without the use of weapons (e.g. stiking, biting, strangling)
    • a crime carried out in a violent manner where victims luckily escaped unscathed
    • rapes
    • gang beatings
    • road rage
    • destruction of property (e.g. burning down a house, smashing a car)

    The only incidents we’ll avoid are war zone clashes between military and militia. (Please see the FAQ for an explanation.)


    [Comment edited for clarification]

    Edit 2: Further explanation for including non-gun related crimes from this comment.

    We should include crimes even if a gun was not used. There are several reasons for this:

    1. The statistics would be skewed and would not fully represent violent crime in the country.
    2. Just because a gun was not used, it doesn’t mean it was any less violent. After all, murder by ice pick and murder by firearm still results in murder.
    3. If we only include gun crime, there’s a risk that the statistics will be used as anti-gun propaganda to show how much gun crime there is in the country without any context of the broader picture of violent crime.
    4. Part of the reason for carrying a gun for self-defense is that it offers an advantage to a weaker person (e.g. women, old and infirm). It solves the problem of disparity of force–even if the assailants do not have guns, they can still prove deadly if they are stronger, are in greater numbers or use other types of weapons.
    1. On the faq page. One of the criteria is it must be firearm related. I hope you change that for the benefit of the others who have not read this clarification. Since i believe that our goal is to show that gun ban does not prevent crime and it only prevent law abiding citizens from carrying guns.

      1. Yes, you are right. Sorry, it was bad wording on my comment title above.

        I will edit the comment for clarification and also amend the FAQ page.

  2. Our 2013 crime statistics project is in full swing and ongoing. We appeal to all gun owners to check the online news and regional reports for shootings and violent incidents and copy paste the incident report/ story to our “report incident” database. To all who have contributed thus far, thank you!

  3. If there is an incident regarding the use of firearms, even without any deaths/injuries, but those involved used a firearm, does it count?


    The incident occured last Jan 23, 2013 at around 6:00 a.m. inside a passenger jeepney from Malabon going to Monumento.  The suspect, armed with an unknown type of firearm, declared a robbery.  The suspect took away the cash and valuables of the passengers.


    The incident was reported at Caloocan City Police Station and it was recorded at their log/blotter. 

    1. Yes, all forms of violent crimes can be included as long as we can submit a verifiable source. The incident you mentioned is still a crime and therefore should be added to the tally, regardless if anyone was killed or injured. In this case, it would be included in the ‘Incidents’ numbers but the ‘Killed’ and ‘Injured’ would be unaffected.

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