Indian high court rules that citizens entitled to firearms for self-defence

It seems that the Indian pro-firearms movement is gaining ground. While there may be problems when it comes to official red-tape for license processing and ammunition purchasing, at least they are moving forward when it comes to securing their freedoms. Let us hope that we in the Philippines do not continue moving backwards. Read more: Can't deny gun licence citing law & order: HC. Continue Reading

Anti-gun politicians are the same the world over

Once again, an anti-gun politician shows his hypocrisy. Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago and long-time anti-gun advocate, has reportedly requested for at least three police bodyguards to provide him with around-the-clock protection after he leaves office. So while pushing for measures to disarm his fellow citizens, he wants special privileges to keep his own family safe. The very same tax payers whom Mayor Daley wants to deny the means of self-protection will soon be paying to protect him. In the Philippines, a number of our own politicians are known to favor gun control yet surround themselves with armed bodyguards. Why the double standards? Perhaps they believe that their lives are worth more than ours. Continue Reading