Britain, the gold standard for gun control

Once again, gun control debates are raging in the United States and now, in the Philippines. Every time there is talk about restricting firearms, anti-gun advocates love wheeling out Great Britain as some sort of gold standard. The old narrative should be familiar: The United States, with 90 guns for every 100 citizens, is the most heavily armed society in the world. As a result of Americans' stubborn love of their right to bear arms, its cities have become mired in violence, gang shootings and school massacres. Britain, on the other hand, known as having among the strictest gun laws in the world, is a far safer society. Gun crime in the UK is minuscule compared to America and its crime rate is much lower. Reinforcing this view are the recent spate of mass shootings in the US, together with the announcement that homicide in Britain is at a 30-year low. Continue Reading

The Onion Field Syndrome and the case for Back-up guns

The Onion Field Syndrome is so-named after the true story novel and movie of the same title. As the story went, two police officers were disarmed of their service guns at gun point by two perps, hogtied, thrown in the back of a car, brought to a deserted onion field, where one was shot to death, while the other by some miracle was able to escape on foot. Since then, the incident has been studied lengthily by officer survivor instructors as to what happened, and how it could have been prevented.The recent abductions and murders of the Lozano son and Venson Evangelista, two used car salesmen, by apparent car thieves, again raises this same issue. Continue Reading