Injured | Killed |
2 | 1 |
Date: 20 February 2013
Source: February 20, 2013 12:43am GMA News
Spokesman for the 4th Infantry Division, Lt. Col. Eugenio Julio Osias IV, said Tuesday night that 50 armed New People’s Army fighters allegedly attacked a Del Monte plantation in Camp Phillips, Manolo Fortich municipality, Bukidnon province.
The NPA gunmen arrived at the plantation riding three vans. They allegedly shot and killed security guard Boboy Neri and wounded two other security men, Franklin Millanes and Boboy Jumawan.
Also, two trucks, a tractor, a sprayer and other equipment were burned and destroyed.
Government forces are now in the area, with Philippine National Police provincial director Senior Superintendent Orlando Benas also at the scene. — DVM, GMA News