Injured | Killed |
0 | 1 |
Date: 29 December 2010
An unidentified man was found dead inside a sack in sitio Banko, barangay Valencia, Carcar City, at around 4 a.m. yesterday.
The man was tied on both hands and legs and put inside a sack, said barangay Valencia councilman Elmer Padin.
Padin, who described the man as a scavenger, said motorists noticed the man’s legs. He said the man was without undergarments and wore only a shirt.
Neighboring residents heard two gunfires and saw a vehicle that fled southboubnd, Padin added.
SPO1 Joel Pananganan, desk officer of Carcar City Police, said the victim could have been salvaged.
The incident is under police investigation./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC