Injured | Killed |
1 | 0 |
Date: 08 March 2013
A 36-year-old man accused a policeman and the latter’s brother of mauling him the other night in Tondo, Manila.
In his complaint before the Manila Police District-General Assignment Section (MPD-GAS), victim Christopher David, of 761 Favia St., Tondo, Manila, identified his alleged aggressors as PO2 Jeffrey Laus and brother Jayco. PO2 Laus is said to be assigned at the MPD- Station 1.
The victim said he was aboard a motorcycle with his six-year-old daughter and was passing through Favia Street at around 6:30 p.m. when he stopped in the middle since the street was turned into a basketball court. The Laus brothers were reportedly among the players.
When a man gave him the go signal to proceed, David drove on but was surprised when PO2 Laus got mad.
The victim said he got off his motorcycle and tried to talk to PO2 Laus but was met with a punch in the face, with Jayco even aiding the cop.
A confrontation between the concerned parties is scheduled tomorrow (Monday) morning.