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Date: 28 February 2013
Source: By: Jaime Sinapit, February 28, 2013 6:06 PM–ecija-yields-locally-made-guns-ammos-5-arrested
MANILA, Philippines – Authorities on Thursday afternoon confiscated from the house of a civilian in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija locally made firearms, ammunitions, and equipment for the manufacture of guns, according to Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman Chief Supt. Generoso Cerbo Jr.
Police raided at about 1 p.m. the house of Jocelyn San Juan in Barangay Mayapyap Norte. where the firearms and amuunitions were seized.
Confiscated were nine .38-caliber “paltik” revolvers, five .22-caliber pistol, one .45-caliver pistol, one 9mm pistol, two rifle grenades, six mortar ammos, and ammunitions for the firearms.
The raid, which was based on the search warrant issued by Judge Ramon D. Pamular of theNueva Ecija Regional Trial Court Branch 32, also led to the arrest of five people believed to be from Cebu.
“Our policemen arrested five workers who are believed to be natives from Carmen, Cebu. The equipment used in the manufacture of said guns were also confiscated. The search is still going on,” Cerbo said, as of press time.
As of February 28, the PNP said the number of confiscated firearms had already 1,230 with 5,970 assorted ammunitions since the gun ban policy of the Commission on Elections was implemented in January.The ban will end on June 12.
The PNP also said the number of arrested violators climbed to 1,253, most of whom are civilians.